10 AI Tools to Solidify Your EU-Funded Project Communication (2024)

 Written by Web Bay  |  Last update:

Effective communication lies at the forefront of a successful EU-funded project. The communication teams have to juggle various challenges such as limited resources, dealing with tons of data, and reaching a global audience through their dissemination activities.

However, research project communications have gone to the next level with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to a study by Content Scale, over 46% of businesses use AI for internal communications and report management. AI transforms the way you connect with stakeholders, convey research findings, and ultimately achieve your project’s goals. In this article, we will talk about 10 groundbreaking AI tools that can be instrumental for EU-funded projects.

Benefits of AI-Powered Communication for EU-Funded Projects

Before we move on to our list of AI tools, let’s understand how beneficial AI-powered communication is for EU-funded projects and the companies associated with them:

Enhanced Efficiency

At the backstage of effective communication, a lot of data compilation and hard work is done which consists of loads of menial work. With AI, this time-consuming work can be automated, freeing up communication teams for strategic work. 

Global Reach

Large-scale EU-funded projects present results that are globally beneficial. Hence, they need to be communicated around the globe. Sophisticated AI translation tools help connect to a vast audience, bridging language barriers, amplifying the impact of the project.

Data-Driven Insights

AI helps extract data and derive meaningful insights, helping communication teams with better messaging and information spread. Instead of spending hours analysing trends and patterns in data, AI can do the same in minutes (if not seconds).

Content Creation Powerhouse

Communication teams create regular content in the form of visual representations such as charts, graphs, and videos, or written efforts such as blog posts and newsletters. AI writing tools and assistants speed up and streamline the content creation process drastically.

Personalized Engagement

Communication teams have the role of maintaining a solid line of communication with various stakeholders connected to the project. Instead of starting each approach from scratch, AI helps in effective personalised communication with different parties.

Top 10 AI Tools for EU-Funded Projects

1. DeepL - AI-Powered Translation

What is it?

The most powerful AI translation tool that supports translations for over 26 languages seamlessly. DeepL uses machine learning and natural language processing techniques to translate text into a human-friendly and personalised tone rather than giving a robotic feel.

How well does it work?

DeepL works great and is the perfect translation tool for globally-recognised EU-funded projects. Communication teams required to present findings to people around the globe can benefit from DeepL API which automatically translates web and app content as per geographical regions.


Here is when we used DeepL to translate English text into Dutch for our stakeholders in the Netherlands. It did an effortless job translating the text without messing up the tone and structure.

2. PictureTranslate - Real-Time AI Image Translation

What is it?

PictureTranslate translates images in real-time with the help of advanced OCR technology. It supports over 45 languages making it ideal for global communication of reports, findings, and statistics that are often collected by on-field researchers. 

How well does it work?

It works with laser-sharp accuracy thanks to its advanced algorithms and machine-learning techniques. For communication teams that deal with many physical documents that need to be translated, PictureTranslate is the best option since it offers real-time translation to the language of their choice without any wait time. While DeepL can only translate digital content, PictureTranslate uses advanced OCR to identify handwritten content from images, translating it accurately.


Below is an example of how an image is translated into another language with PictureTranslate’s advanced AI capabilities.

3. GPT for Work - AI-Powered Content Creation

What is it?

This is a powerful extension of ChatGPT that can be embedded as a plugin into Google Sheets (Excel) and Google Docs (Word). Communication and dissemination activities often include running sentiment and media analysis, and refining data for various channels that GPT for Work can handle effortlessly.

How well does it work?

GPT can effectively analyse content through provided links on a document or spreadsheet, saving communication teams a ton of time. It helps refine data rapidly through useful functions that format various data sets as per the desired instructions.


Below is an example of how the names of research respondents can be organised and categorised using a simple function.

4. Dall-E - AI-Powered Visual Content Creation

What is it?

Dall-E from OpenAI allows users to create realistic images and art from a simple text description. It uses advanced natural language processing and machine-learning capabilities to understand descriptions and run them through an AI algorithm to create relevant art.

How well does it work?

It works great as it can create visuals pertaining to different styles, that allow it to be tailored to different themes. Communication teams can effectively create stunning infographics, eye-catching social media posts, and visually compelling presentations for EU-funded research projects through Dall-E.


Here is a variety of realistic images and art Dall-E can generate based on a simple text description.

5. Cognosys.ai - AI Media Monitoring and Influencer Outreach 

What is it?

A tool that helps you dedicate time-taking and research-intensive tasks to AI agents such as compiling a list of influencers that can help improve the authority of your research project. Rather than ChatGPT which answers questions, Cognosys.ai helps you solve real problems while you can focus on other important tasks.

How well does it work?

It works phenomenally since it uses advanced AI processing and machine learning abilities to think around a given problem and provide a multi-faceted solution rather than acting as a copybook. Communication teams benefit through Cognosys.ai by tracking media mentions and identifying relevant influencers to amplify their project’s reach.


We asked Cognosys to give us a list of influencers we can connect with for our EU-funded project on ‘the leading causes of obesity in children’. Cognosys.ai defined parameters for this job, making sure that it thinks in the right direction. Ultimately, through a 3-step workflow, it was able to provide us with a list of influencers with a brief description of them directly through our email.

6. Canva - AI Integrated Design Platform

What is it?

A design platform tool that allows users to create a variety of graphics including presentations, advertisements, infographics, carousels, and videos. Over the years, Canva has been used as the preferred platform to make presentations leaving Microsoft PowerPoint quite back in the race.

How well does it work?

With integrated AI technology and the built-in functionality of being able to use popular AI software (Dall-E, Murf-AI, and Mojo-AI), Canva makes creating graphics effortless and quicker for even a person with minimal design knowledge. Canva’s smart mockups and auto-resize functionality streamline the in-design process, allowing association teams to create stunning presentations, social media graphics, and infographics to improve the visual appeal of their project.


Here is how we created a visual by Dall-E through Canva on a comparison between children based on their weight for our research project.

7. Prowly - AI-Powered PR Management

What is it?

Being a public relations management tool, Prowly leverages the power of AI to help you with all aspects of a press release. 

How well does it work?

As EU-funded projects and any research projects in general require press releases to be published, Prowly helps with the ideation, drafting, and outreach of your PR. With that, it is a one-stop solution since it also supports social media scheduling and analytics to maximise the reach and engagement of your press release.


Prowly can help create multiple angles for a single press release idea, giving teams the luxury of analysing different options and choosing to draft one that resonates best with their target audience.

8. Beautiful.ai - AI-Assisted Presentation Software

What is it?

It is an AI-assisted design software that helps create visually appealing pitch decks with minimal hassle. It provides a variety of design elements and structures in one place tailoring them according to your requirements.

How well does it work?

It gives a solid starting point for creating a detailed deck presentation, conveying the findings of a research project. With stunning layouts, it also suggests data visualisations and color schemes compatible with your brand, resulting in personalised presentations for your audience.


Beautiful.ai allowed us to choose a preset slide based on what content we needed to put. All we had to do was edit the template with our research data and the tool provided us with appropriate color schemes to further adapt it to our audience.

9. Pictory.ai - Video Creation from Text

What is it?

Pictory.ai helps enrich your content, allowing you to transform written content into videos, teasers, or transcripts for a future video. It supports team collaboration where a group can work on a project and provide their views to a dedicated content piece.

How well does it work?

Pictory.ai is a great tool for creating high-quality videos quickly at an affordable cost. Since a research project is already financially-burdening with video creation further adding to the cost, Pictory.ai helps create high-quality videos for a project within minutes. It’s also useful for creating project updates and scripts for a long video.


We were able to create a video through a script for our project on ‘the leading causes of obesity among children’. Pictory.ai provided us with a scene-by-scene output.

10. Beehiiv - AI-Powered Project Management

What is it?

Last on our list is Beehiiv, which is an AI-powered project management and collaboration platform that allows associations to create engaging newsletters and survey forms. 

How well does it work?

Beehiiv works great as a newsletter management and survey creation platform since it can help communication teams to track tasks, manage communication, and share project updates with stakeholders. All of this is possible under a custom-designed layout and theme that can be created without any coding knowledge, making this tool much more effective. All progress and data can easily be tracked from the Beeiiv database in real time.


Beehiiv makes it easy to create styles for newsletters, surveys, and posts using their preset themes and drag-and-drop features. 


We can witness how AI can transform the way consortiums connect with stakeholders and disseminate research findings. This helps them achieve the desired project goals for an EU-funded project. While many of these tools are still a work in progress from being perfect, they still empower communication teams greatly. With their help, it is possible to create content across various formats to streamline the progress of a project to a huge scale.

Feel free to share your feedback or experience with other AI tools that you find useful.

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