We create amazing websites
Web Bay is a one-stop shop for all your website needs

We go beyond simple website design, helping you create a beautiful, search-optimised site that boosts your brand
while fitting into broader communication objectives.

Leading you from an idea to the final product
Our experts guide you through each step of the web development process, ensuring throughout the process that all stakeholders' needs, success factors and project goals are accounted for when delivering the final product.
Starting from early analysis, through conception, to design and development, we help you gain the most value from your new website.
Long-term support
Web Bay’s continuous support and consultancy ensures that you always operate in efficient and effective manner.
Supports your knowledge transfer via extensive e-learning system.
Delivers features to build a unique online presence from the ground up.
Open source
Flexible, scalable and highly secured methods to support your growth.

We have designed a modern, cutting-edge website for Cycle Highways Manual project. The website serves as a presentation of the project’s goals, activities and partners, and supports the project’s deliverable – Readability toolbox – a set of tools that helps improve the readability of cycle highways throughout the Europe.
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We have developed a Learning Management system based on Moodle to help the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations establish a structuralized stream of communication and knowledge towards its members.
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We have developed an easy-to-use and intuitive platform for learning to enable the CEN-CE project to ensure standardized training for building technology designers and installers. With this specific LMS we helped the CEN-CE Consortium to develop an EU-wide common large-scale training and qualification scheme for building professionals to ensure the increase in high performance energy buildings and tackle new challenges.
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We have remodeled the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations’ original web platform and made it more effective. With the implementation of the Extranet which supports the Membership management we facilitated them to easily promote, protect and represent the interests of the logistics sector.
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We have built an attractive web appearance that in terms of aesthetics and functionalities follows the BITS project’s purpose and strategy. With the contemporary design we have contributed to the promotion of best practices in cycling ITS.
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We have built powerful web platform based on WordPress and gave it an innovative, up-to-date design to help ‘Finding Endometrioses using Machine Learning’ project disseminate valuable information in order to improve diagnosis, prevention and care in endometriosis.
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By developing dynamic and effective web presence we potentiated the ’Mobility and Time Value’ project to contribute to advancing research on VTT by introducing and validating a conceptual framework for the estimation of VTT through a European-wide data collection. With attractive visual components we added to the project’s aim of boosting the scientific debate about the value of travel time.
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We have revamped the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations’ previous online presence to give it a fresh design and facilitate the Federation’s knowledge sharing via Document library and Extranet, as well as support the Membership management via Membership registration and members’ message boards.
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We have remodeled the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations’ original digital platform to ensure stable and secured functioning as well as major boost of the website performances. With an innovative approach we have revamped multiple features, such as eShop or REHVA dictionary, to ease the dissemination of high quality, trustable information about building services and indoor climate.
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We performed the whole web development cycle, starting from the mockup design and architecture to implementation, in order to aid the Cycling Industries Europe in their advocacy – forming a united voice for the cycling sector and driving it forward.
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We have developed a vivid and mobile-friendly design of the WeProject’s website based on Open-Source Content Management System, to be the focal point for all project’s communication activities. Through the integration of Interactive Toolkit we facilitated the exchange of the good practices aiming at the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity at the workplace.
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We have redesigned ANIMA project’s original web presence to give it a modern look and incorporate the ANIMA Noise platform – tools for addressing the challenge of aviation noise impact management and mitigation.
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In order to support the advocates of the employees’ interests, we have tailored a particular web platform. With a specially designed extranet dedicated to the unique global community, we have enabled the International Organization of Employers to achieve their objectives and helped them to fight and advocate for the interests of employers and business in international policy debates.
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We have developed a custom-built web portal that gives a presentation of the project and serves its needs in terms of aesthetics and functions. We gave it a fresh and appealing design and add to the project’s goal of unlocking the nearly Zero Energy Building renovation market by increasing property value through a new systemic approach.
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