Our Work
Insights into our award-winning projects.
Our portfolio counts 25+ international organisations and over 50 EU projects

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- Digital Transformation

We designed the BITS project’s visual identity, giving it an online brand to help it become more recognisable. This added to its goals of reducing CO2 emissions and increasing bicycle use within target groups.
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We redesigned the ANIMA project’s original web presence to give it a modern look and incorporate the ANIMA noise platform – tools for addressing the challenges of aviation noise impact management and mitigation.
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We developed an easy-to-use and intuitive platform for learning to enable the CEN-CE project to ensure standardised training for building technology designers and installers. With this specific LMS we helped the CEN-CE consortium develop an EU-wide common large-scale training and qualification scheme for building professionals to guarantee the increase in high performance energy buildings and tackle new challenges.
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To help engage more stakeholders in the project, disseminate results at an early stage, and provide a short explanation on what the PIONEER project is about, we produced a short, animated video to clearly communicate the project’s objectives, as well as a brochure with the well-defined and unified message.
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We remodelled the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations’ original web platform and increased its effectiveness. With the implementation of the extranet to support the membership management, we facilitated it to easily promote, protect, and represent the interests of the logistics sector.
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We built a powerful web platform based on WordPress and gave it an innovative, up-to-date design to help the ‘Finding Endometrioses using Machine Learning’ project share valuable information to improve diagnosis, prevention and care for endometriosis.
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We revamped the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations’ prior online presence to give it a fresh design and facilitate the Federation’s knowledge sharing via document library and extranet, as well as supporting the Membership management via membership registration and message boards.
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By developing a dynamic and effective web presence we potentiated the ’Mobility and Time Value’ project to contribute to advancing research on VTT. We introduced and validated a conceptual framework for the estimation of VTT through European-wide data collection. With attractive visual components, we added to the project’s goal to boost the scientific debate about the value of travel time.
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We defined the basic visual principles for the MOTIV project through creation of complex identity solutions which correspond with the main project’s activities and results. To explain the project’s scope and address the targeted groups we produced a short explanatory video that brings the MOTIV project’s value closer to wider audience.
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We remodelled the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations’ original digital platform to ensure stable and secured functioning as well as provide a major boost of the website performance. With an innovative approach we have revamped multiple features, such as eShop or REHVA dictionary, to ease the distribution of high quality, trusted information about building services and indoor climate.
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We developed a vivid and mobile-friendly design of the WeProject’s website based on Open-Source Content Management System, to remain the focal point for all the project’s communication activities. Through the integration of an interactive toolkit, we facilitated the exchange of the good practices aimed at eliminating discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace.
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We enabled the TRI-HP project consortium to spread the word about its important goals by delivering a new and international version of the TRI-HP brochure, supporting further development of the renewable and cost-competitive tri-generation systems concepts.
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We helped the International Organisation of Employers present a compelling story of its achievements on an annual level and to discover the vibrant and dynamic member community with the unique, problem-oriented design of the annual reports to address the critical issues of each day.
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We shaped a variety of visual identity components, such as logos, brand imagery, and photography identity, to reflect a ‘user-centred energy performance assessment and certification scheme'. The project’s mission is to facilitate convergence of quality and reliability of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) across the EU. We’ve empowered its dissemination activities by creating engaging, short, animated videos and templates for numerous visual elements.
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We developed a Learning Management system based on Moodle to help the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations establish a structuralised stream of communication and knowledge for its members.
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We designed a modern, cutting-edge website for the Cycle Highways Manual project. The website serves as a presentation of the project’s goals, activities and partners, supporting the project’s deliverable – readability toolbox – a set of tools to help improve the readability of cycle highways throughout Europe.
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We performed the entire web development cycle, starting from the mockup design and architecture to implementation, in order to aid Cycling Industries Europe in their advocacy – forming a united voice for the cycling sector and propelling it forward.
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To support the advocates of the employees’ interests, we tailor made a specific web platform. With a specially-designed extranet dedicated to the unique global community, we enabled the International Organisation of Employers to achieve their objectives, fighting and advocating for the interests of employers and businesses in international policy debates.
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We developed a custom-built web portal that presents the project and serves its needs in terms of aesthetics and functions. We provided it with a fresh and appealing design and added to the project’s goal of unlocking the near zero energy building renovation market by increasing property value through a new systemic approach.
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We built an attractive web appearance that regarding aesthetics and functionalities follows the BITS project’s purpose and strategy. With its contemporary design, we contributed to the promotion of best practices in cycling ITS.
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We promoted the JPI Climate SINCERE project’s objectives and added value to its main goal, strengthening the European and international linkages to enhance climate research, by creating a brief and eye-catching brochure that grabs one’s attention.
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We fashioned a noticeable backwall design to generate climate change awareness. With special visual elements, it communicates by pointing out the importance of the existing initiative - gathering European countries to jointly coordinate climate research and provide useful climate knowledge.
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We designed and delivered an engaging experience by producing dynamic booths which promoted and represented the well-established brand of EuroVelo and ECF. These booths included components such as posters, backwall, and 3D image display, which created in a reusable and modular manner to ensure the ECF can adopt visuals and apply them easily to existing units. Thus, we add to one of the ECF’s primary goals: increased sustainability.
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We built an attractive web platform for safari travels for German audience. Through showcase of lodges, camps and resorts, with organised information of each experience, we helped bring the visibility to the exotic journeys and bring them one click closer to the travellers.
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We helped REHVA promote its HVAC Congress online by building an attractive & informative Congress website. With its straightforward user experience and crucial information on Congress displayed right away, we continue to support the topics with fundamental importance.
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To help Countless project showcase its objectives, resources and collaborations, we’ve built an engaging web experience which catches the users’ attention with its lively design, while simultaneously offering the important information in a clean and readable way. By utilising interactive features, we’ve helped the Countless project disseminate its aims to its audiences, thus enabling a wider reach of its impact.
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We designed the European Cold Storage and Logistics Association’s website in order to bring forward the important work the ECSLA is doing for its members. With dedicated sections to its members, services, topics & projects, we focused on the platform’s design on effectiveness to allow an easy membership-oriented browsing.
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We designed a learning platform for the HELPDESK project to help them bridge the gap between the EU social services funds and their first-line users. Through learning courses, training material, and open calls database, we strived to enable the user to easily access the knowledge needed for application and guide them through the overall process.
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We helped the ExpSkills-REM project partners gather & transfer the knowledge and skills in rare Earth permanent magnet value chain in the form of a lifelong learning course. Through the interactive experience, we helped offer a unique opportunity to get knowledge on this particular topic, thus making it possible for learners to contribute to a more resilient EU industry.
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We helped the International Federation of Actors redevelop its brand and enhance the visibility of its actions through a custom, freshly designed, straightforward and engaging web presence. By sharing the important policy work the Federation is committed to, and offering useful resources to performers worldwide, we support FIA’s efforts in representing the interests of variety of performers.
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By developing a dynamic and effective web presentation of the FOREMAST project, we are supporting the project’s aim to create a shift towards cleaner and more efficient logistics in urban and coastal areas. Through interactive presentation of the project’s Living Labs, we strive to offer the stakeholders clear & informative experience of the project.
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We are dedicated to supporting important issues by working with International Commission who is actively tasked with working on the issue of missing persons. We helped develop a comprehensive informational & educational platform to showcase the Commission's work, bring forward a list of missing individuals across the world, and offer an extensive database of resources to help tackle this serious issue.
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We have developed a striking web presence for the International Federation of Journalists to facilitate the IFJ’s work on representing the voices of journalists across the globe. With different areas focusing on different actions, regions, and issues, this multilingual platform offers an extensive knowledge on journalist stories and campaigns.
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We utilised our extensive knowledge on journalist issue through our work with IFJ to develop a modern and engaging web presence for the National Union of Somali Journalists. By organising their knowledge and information on the organisation in an easy-to-reach manner, we have increased the visibility of the issues they tackle in their work with Somali journalists.
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We have extended our vast pool of websites developed for EU-funded projects by another one dedicated to fighting air pollution, by building it a web presence to showcase their generation of scientific evidence, development of tools for policies and policy recommendations and thus increase their impact on this crucial matter, further investing in our future.
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We rebuilt the previous web identity for Solar Heat Europe to enhance their visibility among the stakeholders and decision makers and thus support their advocacy. By offering a comprehensive online experience, we allow all stakeholders to engage with the resources and approach the Association through membership application and members area integrated into the presentation.
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We have continued to expand on our climate-related portfolio of projects with a collaboration with SOLINDARITY project, to which we designed a unique web presence to help disseminate their important objectives and showcase their highly technical aspect of the project in an engaging and attractive way.
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We created an attractive web presentation of the Smart Square project to help enhance the promotion and establishment of intelligence assessment of buildings in Europe, an important modern issue the project’s tackling. The SRI Observatory site is built to continuously update the stakeholders on the progress of the SRI through digital and interactive features.
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