Present your project
with an animated explainer video

Over 70% of EU funded projects choose explainer videos to disseminate their objectives and activities

Introduce the project to your target audience in a simple, clear & engaging way

Our animated video production is tailored to the needs of EU-funded projects

Since 2012, Web Bay is assisting EU projects Consortiums with their communication and dissemination activities. We made the process of video creation short, streamlined and easy to follow.

Based on the experience from 50+ projects, it’s safe to say that our animated videos are great addition to your dissemination strategy. Oh, and EC reviewers love them!

How it works?

Our project manager is here to lead you through the whole process and ensure
100% satisfaction
with the service and results.

Step 1: Script Creation. Senior copywriter works closely with you to produce a script for your video, explaining your project in the simplest way possible.

Step 2: Studio Voiceover, Music & SFX. We hire the best voiceover artists, and use studio quality music and sound FX in all our videos, allowing you to connect to your audience, and build rapport with them.

Step 3: Amazing Cartoon Animation. When it comes to video, nothing comes close to grabbing attention like cartoon animation. This allows us to express your message in the most effective way possible, without the need for film crews or a studio setup.

Ready To Get Started? Just need a consultation?

We are happy to talk with you.

Katarina Djokic
Client Manager

+32 78 48 28 29

Landing page form

Frequent questions

What is an animated video?

Animated videos are videos which feature animations, drawings and illustrations and other computer-generated effects to convey a message. They're created by our first-class animators, who make sure that the animations are following closely the project's industry, style and audience.

Animating a video allows for a greater flexibility and introduction of concepts which would not be possible within a regular video. The used combination of sound and visuals appeal to all user senses and the animation keeps the user interested.

Moreover, they're versatile and can bring any topic to life, especially when bringing closer an unknown concept. Finally, animated videos are a fun, interactive way to make your target audience absorb the desired message.

Why they're important for EU projects?

Modern digital citizen interacts with the cause or a project mostly through visual content, which needs to be clear and easy to grasp. Creating a memorable, clear & attention-catching animated explainer video will help introduce your project to wider audiences. It is a great tactic to gather a larger community of supporters.

Do I need any technical knowledge or experience?

No. Our project manager leads you through the whole process. Project manager is there to explain every step of the process and provide a connection between you and our experts.

How much does it cost?

The price of the video depends on its length.

30 seconds video = 450 EUR. All costs included, no hidden fees. Everything needed for a perfect animated video is included in this offer:

- script by professional copywriter
- voiceover by voice actor
- unlimited revisions

Usually, video length varies between 30 and 180 seconds. It depends on your project needs and goal.

You can get a precise offer from us by getting in touch in the form below. 

- Alena MaximovaAlena MaximovaCommunications officer

“Web Bay is great for building EU projects' websites. All team members try to understand what the project is about and how they can present it online. This approach gives excellent results as we received a unique, tailor-made and beautiful website that also serves its purpose.”

 89% SEO score

 100% remote collaboration

 Continuous support

- Anita DerjaneczAnita DerjaneczManaging director

“Web Bay showed to be a reliable partner. They respond quickly, understand the project goals and often go an extra mile to deliver just the right solution, which makes you feel like working with a friend.”

 8+ years of collaboration 

 20+ projects developed together

50% more page views on REHVA website since redesign

- Joris Van DammeJoris Van DammeMobility Planner & Expert Cycle Highways, Creative & Conceptual Bricoleur

“Web Bay helped me a lot in translating my general vision on the platform into a concrete vision on the wireframes. The technical expertise and examples Web Bay provided were very useful and inspiring. I was delighted that they often just said “yes, this is technically feasible”. The iterative process was inspiring and resulted in a shared understanding.

I look forward to the future collaboration!”

  UX design provided for 40+ pages

 Custom flows for Readability Toolbox

Future-proof design to keep up with constantly improving web design standards

- Fokke de JongFokke de JongJPI Climate Communications

‘We collaborated with Web Bay for the promotion of one of JPI Climate’s projects: SINCERE (Strengthening international cooperation on climate change research). They designed & printed visual elements for conferences we organized, and the collaboration was easy and efficient. They make sure that everyone's idea is incorporated into the final product. They also organized a great dinner for the JPI Climate’s team in Belgrade!’

 100% remote collaboration

 Continuous support

 Collaboration since 2018

- Marie-Paule MassonMarie-Paule MassonTeam Assistant - FICSA Secretariat

"Web Bay has worked with FICSA, the Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations, on creating and supporting a professional website for us since 2018. We have built good working relations with Web Bay and their team members who are always reliable and professional. Communication and technical support are provided in an efficient and timely manner."

 50% more new organic users on the website since redesign

 42% more page views since redesign

48% decreased bounce rate 

- Pamela MorinièrePamela MorinièreCommunications & Campaigns officer

“Web Bay has redesigned our web site and provided us with a much more user-friendly digital platform.

Web Bay staff is very reliable and efficient and the fact that all of the work has been done remotely has never been an issue for sorting out any problems.”

 50% more new organic users on the website since redesign

 42% more page views since redesign

48% decreased bounce rate 

- Igor GrabovacIgor GrabovacResident Physician at Medical University of Vienna and WE-Project Coordinator

"Web Bay helped us find the best possible way to present our project and the results in a way that was accessible to young LGBTIQ people. We always received helpful advice and support in a creative and open way. The end result was not only a great project website but also an attractive visual identity and an interactive learning platform and toolkit."

 89% SEO score

 100% remote collaboration

 Continuous support

- Davide GuarientoDavide GuarientoSenior consultant for EC Grants and Tenders

"Whether they’re working as partners within the Consortium, or as subcontractors, Web Bay always adds strategic value to every project they’re involved in. Their extensive expertise in web and digital fields is fundamental for the success of today's projects. Having them on board as Communication & Dissemination experts ensures that the project will be successful at promoting its results as well as at liaising and developing synergies with all project stakeholders".

 3+ initiatives worked on together

 5 communication strategies developed together

 5 webinars organized together

- Ingo MöschterIngo MöschterManaging director

“Communication with Web Bay is fast and reliable. I appreciate that Web Bay team is always there to help and to provide support when needed. We worked together on multiple projects and each one was a pleasant experience.”

 Collaboration since 2014

 20+ projects developed together

 Continuous support

- Milan ŠkoroMilan ŠkoroGeneral Manager

“Web Bay has been successfully fulfilling our project requirements since 2014. We are extremely happy with all aspects of our business relationship: communication, punctuality, the amount of thought and planning spent on every project, feedback, suggestions and overall quality of the final product.

Definitely consider Web Bay for your next project, you will enjoy working with the team and be delighted with their output.”

 Collaboration since 2014 

 Daily support for all requests

40+ websites developed together

Let's get started

Web Bay

Avenue Louise 12a,
